QualityWorX CTS DataHub: CTS and Sciemetric Release New Joint Product
QualityWorX CTS DataHub: CTS and Sciemetric have launched a new product that gives customers a simple, cost effective tool for analyzing leak test data and performing test-to-test comparisons. 19 July 2018—Harrison, OH—Cincinnati Test Systems (CTS) and Sciemetric are pleased to announce the development of a new joint product that aggregates data from multiple CTS Leak Test Instruments into an analytics database for real-time usage. The QualityWorX CTS DataHub helps users find answers to the causes of leak defects and helps optimize leak tests to meet quality, yield objectives. The system helps extend quality solutions for leak tests and monitor all processes on your production line to identify defects as they occur, so you can resolve them in a quick and cost-effective manner. Find out exactly which operations are causing leaks and use the reports to make data-driven decisions that will optimize performance.
QualityWorX CTS DataHub features an easy setup with no software installation required. Within minutes you can start monitoring, managing, comparing and optimizing the performance of several leak testers from a single location and provide traceability at the station. The QualityWorx database is capable of handling data from up to 5 Sentinel instruments and provides up to 10 GB of active storage for quick data retrieval. The data is stored in a hierarchal tree structure to mimic line layout and provides the ability to drill down to a single part or test history.

Advantages and features of QualityWorX CTS DataHub include:
- Collects data from multiple instruments, whether they’re part of the same station or located in different sections of the manufacturing process
- Features a full turnkey package and easy setup that allows you to start collecting and analyzing data right away
- Includes all test and parts data to provide full traceability, including digital process signatures
- Utilizes advanced analytics software to visualize your data and analyze trends