Sentinel Blackbelt Pro Multi-Channel Leak Test Instrument
The Sentinel Blackbelt Pro™ is an advanced multi-test, multi-port, multi-channel test instrument for leak, flow pressure and vacuum testing. One Blackbelt Pro instrument can manage and execute 4 individual part tests at different stations. It offers the flexibility of a custom instrument in a standard instrument platform.

Multi-Channel Blackbelt Pro Test Instrument Improves Productivity
Mass flow and pressure or vacuum decay leak testing methods are used during product manufacturing to assess leakage rates and verify the integrity of sealed parts. Trying to manage multiple tests, however, can slow production as you try to monitor and analyze data on separate leak testing systems.
The multi-channel Blackbelt Pro helps streamline manual and automated leak testing processes by providing up to 4 individual tests, synchronously or asynchronously, in one fully integrated unit. Conducting several tests with one system simplifies leak testing and reduces the space required.
Multi-port, Multi-test, Configurable for Leak, Flow, Pressure, and Vacuum Testing
The Blackbelt Pro performs the following test types:
- Pressure/Vacuum decay-pressure change
- Pressure/Vacuum decay-with certified leak standard
- Pressure/Vacuum decay-pressure change/time
- Occlusion test (vacuum or pressure test)
- Mass flow direct flow reading
- Mass flow with certified leak standard
Instrument highlights:
- Highly configurable and very flexible
- 4-port independent, synchronous and asynchronous test capability
- 1, 2, 3, or 4 port sequential operation
- Multi-test dependence programming
- Store up to 999 part programs
- 200,000 test sequencing
- Provide digital I/O control 18 inputs / 18 outputs with enhanced Tooling Control
- “SmartKey” digital ID tracking complies with 21 CFR Part 11
Benchtop and Wall Mount Multi-Channel Leak Test Instruments

Wall Mount Unit for Industrial Applications
The Blackbelt Pro Wall Mount is an industrial test instrument designed for leak, flow, pressure, and vacuum testing in automated or semi-automated processes. Its small footprint cabinet provides room for multi-channel hardware, wiring, and connections designed for easy installation and maintenance. The modular design of the wall mount instrument allows specialized configurations to be contained in an efficient footprint as the enclosure is expanded to include all the upgrades that can be integrated with the instrument controls.
Benchtop Unit for Medical Device Testing
The Benchtop unit is an advanced small package design integrated with controls and pneumatics to simultaneously. Commonly used by medical device manufacturers for manual or semi-automated tests, the Benchtop is supplied with the test port connections on the front of the unit for easy connection.

For examples of applications using the Blackbelt Pro, browse our application bulletins.

Blackbelt Pro Is 21 CFR Part 11 and EU Annex 11 Friendly
The Blackbelt Pro includes features that support both 21 CRF Part 11 and EU Annex 11 compliance:
- Unique user IDs
- Audit and activity log
- Instrument edit comments
- PDF report generation
Automate Leak Testing with a Turnkey Benchtop Solution Controlled by a Sentinel Blackbelt
Reduce operator effort and increase efficiency with an automated leak and flow benchtop test system for medical devices.

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User Manuals
One Blackbelt Pro instrument can replace 4 independent test instruments.
A Blackbelt Pro can control, manage and execute 4 part tests synchronously or asynchronously, at different stations. Contact Us to select the proper standard test instrument for your application.

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