Cincinnati Test Systems’ Leak Rate Calculator for mobile devices provides calculators and unit conversions for leak rate testing. 23 August 2016—Harrison, OH—Cincinnati Test Systems (CTS), an industry leading manufacturer of leak test instrumentation and turnkey systems, is pleased to announce the development and recent release of its new mobile app for Android and iOS devices. The CTS Leak Rate Calculator application is a useful, intuitive tool that includes calculators and unit conversions for leak rate testing.
CTS developed their mobile app to calculate leak test cycle times using leak rate, test volume, and pressure drop variables. The app also provides conversions for volume, pressure, bubble to leak rate, length, and area. It was designed for ease of use with a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation between features and functions. The most recent iteration of the CTS app as of this writing (version 2.3) includes the following features:

- Calculator: leak rate—time or part volume
- Calculator: leak rate to bubble frequency
- Calculator: bubble frequency to leak rate
- Unit converter: area
- Unit converter: leak rates
- Unit converter: length
- Unit converter: pressure
- Unit converter: volume