For fast and accurate leak testing of composite electrode assemblies, look no further than Cincinnati Test Systems’ to design and manufacture to meet your specifications. This single-station system utilizes a CTS Sentinel Blackbelt Pro for reliable results and fully repeatable test cycles. The unique, semi-automatic setup allows for throughput of up to 28 parts per hour.
The Sentinel Blackbelt Pro is our next-generation leak testing device. It offers a full complement of high-performance features, including four-port, multi-channel synchronous or asynchronous leak testing and a broad range of leak, flow, pressure, and vacuum testing capabilities. Its built-in memory provides storage for up to 999 test programs, with optional program linking. Blackbelt Pro units also include instrument self-test capabilities, a part quick-test option, environmental drift control to help maintain accuracy, and absolute pressure transducers. Its broad range of communication operations includes EtherNet/IP, making system integration easy. A full-color 9” touchscreen interface make it exceptionally user-friendly. No one knows leak testing like we do. And there’s no one more experienced in leak test applications than CTS.
Contact Cincinnati Test Systems today to learn more.
Reliable Pressure Decay Leak Testing for Electrode Assemblies
Specially designed to leak test composite electrode assemblies, this system can accommodate parts measuring up to 35” x 34” x 1”. Operators manually load and unload parts on a moving tooling plate, and after the part is moved into test position, locating switches ensure that it’s correctly positioned for testing. From there, the part is positioned between upper and lower tooling plates and fitted with top and bottom nest seals. Once the test cycle is initiated, the upper tooling plate lowers onto the part to hold it in place, using a special pneumatic cylinder that provides up to 9,000 lbf of force. The test cycle itself runs start-to-finish without the need for operator interaction. The part is tested using pressure decay leak testing, at a pressure of 9 psig for 45 seconds for a pressure drop measurement of 0.001 psig. After leak testing is completed, the upper tool plate rises to release the part. The operator then manually slides the lower plate back to the start position to unload the part. On average, the complete cycle—part loading, shuttling, testing, shuttling back, and unloading—takes a total of two minutes, seven seconds. This allows for throughput as high as 28 parts per hour.Sentinel Blackbelt Pro Module Provides Accurate Results
All leak testing processes on our electrode assembly test system are performed by a CTS Sentinel Blackbelt Pro leak test instrument—the same model we sell individually for pressure decay leak testing applications. An Allan Bradley PLC (programmable logic controller) provides machine sequencing.